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- Organic Pure Natural Red Asian Shallot Contains Folate , Zinc
- Shandong China (Mainland)
- Onion

- Non-Peeled Fresh Red Asian Shallot Contains Fibre , Anti-Inflammatory
- Shandong China (Mainland)
- Onion

- Fresh Vegetable / Red Asian Shallots Contains Flavonoids And Phenols, the strong smell of onion
- Shandong China (Mainland)
- Onion

- 2cm - 5cm Yellow / Red Asian Shallots Round Containing Water , Sugar, spicy pure
- Shandong China (Mainland)
- Onion

- Small Red Asian Shallots Full-Flavoured For Canned , Caramelized, lower cholesterol
- Shandong China (Mainland)
- Onion

- Fresh Red Asian Shallots Containing Vitamin C , Folic Acid For Market, improve immunity
- Shandong China (Mainland)
- Onion

- Chinese Fresh Sweet Red Asian Shallots Hybrid Rich In Carbohydrates, anti-bacterial, anti-viral
- Shandong China (Mainland)
- Onion

- IQF Elongated Red Asian Shallots Full-Flavoured Health Benifits 2.5cm
- Shandong China (Mainland)
- Onion

- 30mm Fresh Red Asian Shallots Containing Dietary Fiber Anti-Inflammatory
- Shandong China (Mainland)
- Onion

- Anticancer Red Asian Shallots Containing Glycosides Quercetin
- Shandong China (Mainland)
- Onion

- Fresh White / Red Asian Shallots Bulbs Natural / No Pollution
- Shandong China (Mainland)
- Onion

- Pure Natural Red / Yellow Onion Shallot Contains Iron Magnesium Copper
- Shandong China (Mainland)
- Onion